Statement by
Mr. Ali Hajilari
First Counselor
Permanent Mission of the Islamic Republic of Iran to the United Nations
At the Second Committee, UNGA 76
Under agenda items 18, “Macroeconomic policy questions” and its sub-items (a) to (g), and 19, “Follow-up to and implementation of the outcomes of the International Conferences on Financing for Development”
New York, 13 October 2021
In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful.
Prior to delivering my statement, Madam Chair, allow me to refer to the report of the UN Secretary-General on “Unilateral economic measures as a means of political and economic coercion against developing countries” delivered today by his representative. I am sorry to say that, unfortunately, this report is very weak, disappointing and has no practical value because it has not condemned or even rejected illegal unilateral measures. Furthermore, this report does not provide any solution, especially with regard to the need for the immediate and total elimination of these illegal actions. Unfortunately, it seems that it was prepared and presented only out of obligation, cutting corners on the details necessary to adequately address the issues at hand. Therefore, the content of this report is not acceptable for my delegation.
Madam Chair,
My delegation would like to associate itself with the statement delivered by the distinguished representative of the Republic of Guinea on behalf of the Group of 77 and China. I would also like to add some points in my national capacity.
Madam Chair,
COVID-19 and its devastating impact on people’s livelihoods as well as its negative effects on international trade and the global economy remind us of the vital importance of upholding multilateralism, solidarity and international cooperation. However, regrettably, the imposition of unlawful and illegitimate unilateral coercive measures, including the unjustified and illegal sanctions with the extra-territorial impact by some countries which have alarmingly intensified, have led to widespread tragic human suffering simultaneously with the pandemic. These issues arise in spite of the fact that, based on the Agenda itself, states have been strongly urged to refrain from promulgating and applying any unilateral economic, financial or trade measures.
Madam Chair,
Financing for development is posed to challenges now more than ever. The rampant blow to multilateralism as well as the pandemic have generated enormous hurdles for “financing” and for “development”. The unilateral policies by some major players cast doubt on the effectiveness of multilateral financing and trading systems.
Allow me at this point to share with you some of our thoughts and concerns:
- The international community should ensure that financing for development in no way becomes hostage to the coercive and restrictive agenda of financier countries and organizations. Promulgation of unilateral coercive economic, financial and trade measures, which are clearly inconsistent with the principles of international law, including those enshrined in UN Charter, also contradicts the spirit of cooperation and friendly relations among nations which is a core building bloc of many global initiatives, including “financing for development”.
- The concern expressed in the Addis Ababa Action Agenda is still the case, and Official Development Assistance (ODA) is far from meeting its expectation. ODA providers should reach their assigned targets.
- International trade continues to play its traditional role as an engine for the economic growth, development and prosperity of peoples and countries. This is the right of every sovereign state to be part of a universal, rules-based, open, transparent, predictable, inclusive, non-discriminatory multilateral trading system. The World Trade Organization, where the Islamic Republic of Iran has been denied membership for more than two decades, is now a target of harsh unilateral behavior which puts the whole international trading system at risk.
- Transfer of technology and financing for development are equally important for developing countries. New technologies, including emerging digital technologies, are creating opportunities and challenges for “development”. Technical, technological and financing support for bridging the existing gaps, including the infrastructure gap, are quite pivotal for countries in stepping up their fight against poverty and underdevelopment.
- We believe that the United Nations provides a unique and key forum for discussing international economic issues and is well positioned to participate in various reform processes aimed at improving and strengthening the effective functioning of the international financial system and architecture. It is evident that the United Nations and international financial institutions have complementary mandates that make the coordination of their actions crucial.
Madam Chair,
A renewed commitment to multilateralism and global solidarity is urgently needed. This should also entail, among others, the developed world re-visiting its commitment to help create and enable the environment to maintain sustained economic growth and sustainable development for all countries, regions and, ultimately, the planet as a whole.
I thank you Madam Chair.