2024/10/08 - 19:09 View: 135

Right of Reply: MKO Terrorists

A representative with the Permanent Mission of the Islamic Republic of Iran to the United Nations has delivered a statement in exercise of the right of reply. The full text of the statement is as follows:

The exercise of right of reply to the statement

by the representative of the Republic of Albania & UAE

New York, 30 September 2024

بسم الله الرحمن الرحیم

Mr. President,

I take the floor to exercise the right of reply of my delegation in response to the disinformation and baseless statement delivered by the Prime Minister of the Republic of Albania during the general debate in this Hall.

The alleged refugees who have been sheltered by the Republic of Albania, belong to the terrorist People's Mojahedin Organization (a.k.a. MKO), of which violence and terror form an integral element of their eclectic ideology. They never dismissed their ideology of violence and recourse to arms. Rather, they have always been looking to revert to their hate-mongering nature and to commit violent acts of terrorism.

The Islamic Republic of Iran rejects the disinformation delivered by the representative of the Republic of Albania. In the meanwhile, it is the obligation of Albania to bring to justice or extradite members of this cult for their role in organizing, supporting, and perpetrating terrorist attacks in Iran.

The Islamic Republic of Iran believes that the failure of the Government of Albania to take appropriate and necessary measures against this terrorist cult constitutes a grave threat to international peace and security.

Moreover, the Islamic Republic of Iran categorically rejects and denounces any kind of unwarranted attribution for the alleged cyber-attack on Albania's infrastructure; this accusation is completely unfounded and is hereby rejected and condemned. We have already expressed our readiness to cooperate in enlightenment to the Albanian government and we repeat it once again.

Mr. President,

Exercising our right of reply, in response to the unfounded allegations and irrelevant reference to my Country by the representative of the United Arab Emirates, while my delegation strongly rejects those baseless allegations, [the Islamic Republic of Iran] would like to reiterate its sovereignty over the Iranian islands of Abu Musa, the Greater Tunb and the Lesser Tunb in the Persian Gulf.

We consider the statement by the delegate of the UAE as a flagrant violation of the principles of sovereignty and territorial integrity as well as an interference in Iran’s domestic affairs, in violation of the principle of non-interference in the internal affairs of States, as enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations, and is categorically rejected.

The Islamic Republic of Iran has always pursued a policy of friendship and good neighborliness towards all its neighboring countries. It is obvious that the territorial integrity as well as the sovereignty of the Islamic Republic of Iran over the said islands are not negotiable.

We invite the delegation of the United Arab Emirates to stick to the principle of good neighborliness and refrain from raising issues that are based on unsubstantiated accusations.

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